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Welcome to macskas’s github pages

This is just a index page for some repository



high traffic nsca server with worker and threadpool support for slow encryption methods. drop-in replacement for nsca.

Secure SSH-agent UI

Secure SSH agent UI for linux/macos. Just a nodejs electron app. Asks permission for key signing, masks your key names on listing. Shortcuts to approve request. Temporary/permanent bypass, blocking. Can block request when you are idle. Notification rate limiting, etc. A more flexible replacement for yubikey/smartcards


Alternate, secondary hosts file lookup. Can be helpful in docker where /etc/hosts cannot be renamed(safely modified). Secondary hosts file’s path can be configured. After install it should be added to /etc/nsswitch.conf



You can generate iptables u32 match from tcpdump’s output. Just a helper script in html+javascript


Convert nagios status.dat to JSON, JSONP, TEXT format. Supports running as CGI or even CLI

Microsoft RRAS ACL export

If you want to migrate from windows RRAS to anything, first you have to export the firewall ACLs in grepable format so you can import it into iptables/etc

Google Sheets to IPSET import

Import ip addresses from googlesheet into an ipset. You can grant roles to googlesheet columns, rows so its a basic ACL manager for lazy people.

GeoIP RIPE ipset

Its 2020. GeoIP csv is not available. So use RIPE database + ipset instead of geoip ipset module.

ssh-agent sign messages CLI

With this tool you can use your existing ssh-agent to authenticate in your internal API-s, etc. So you dont have to write usernames/password. example: # perl -m test # encrypt the string "test" 542eac4bb60e9502a167803a02c2aa61: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 bf2b4508482c99becadb1c789399640c: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


just a simple incremental backup script for linux using tar pigz, etc - useful for bacula


automysqlbackup innobackupex alternative. for easy bacula backup


Just a basic docker exec replacement for multi php and multiuser environment(like shared dev servers).

NGINX openresty dynamic SSL

nginx openresty dynamic ssl lua script + cache

PPTP classless route helper

Linux PPTP ip-up.d helper for automatic DHCP classless routes

percona audit module syslog aggregator

percona audit connect log syslog aggregator